Sharp at any age.
Use our list of resources to boost your cognitive function.
Resources Cognitive Aging
& Alzheimer's Disease

Brain Health
Information produced by the National Institute of Health clearly and succinctly explains the relationship between aging, medications, and brain health, and what changes to expect with aging.

Memory Problems
Handout by the National Institute on Aging on the differences between mild forgetfulness and serious memory problems, what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing memory problems.
Normal Forgetfullnness
Useful handout explaning the difference between normal or typical age related forgetfulness or possible signs of a more serious memory problem provided by the National Institute of Health.

Normal Sleep Changes
A complimentary handout from QK Consulting with information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Details on current treatments and links to useful resources from the National Institute on Aging.

Understanding Alzheimer's
Easy to read handout by the National Institute of Health with essential information on Alzheimer's disease: a brain disease that causes memory loss and a range of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms
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